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Coach Profile

Name : Norazlina Jaini

Designation : Internal Coach

Telephone Number (Office) : +60

Email Id : linajaini2016@gmail.com

Profile Details : Hi, I’m Lina—a seasoned technical talent capability development and management specialist with over 12 years of experience as an Exploration Geoscientist. Along the way, I’ve learned the power of collaboration in building technical talent for specialised roles and partnering with subject matter experts to unlock potential and drive meaningful growth. Coaching has become an integral part of my work. As an Internal Coach in the current organisation, I empower young professionals to embrace challenges, build resilience, enhance their leadership skills, and grow into their best selves. Witnessing their ‘aha’ moments—those sparks of clarity and confidence—continues to fuel my passion for coaching. I’m still learning and my mission is to empower others to grow, adapt, and thrive—sustainably. Coaching is the way I help people discover their strengths and make a lasting difference.

Certification Level : ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Facebook Profile : None

Linkedin Profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/norazlina-jaini/